Thursday, March 17, 2005

Missile Defense Update

From WorldNetDaily:
If nuclear missiles were suddenly fired at the United States from North Korea, the U.S. is ready to shoot them down.

That's the opinion of Major Gen. John Holly, head of the missile-shield program for the Pentagon's Missile Defense Agency.

"If directed, we could provide a limited defense against an attack out of Northeast Asia," Holly told Alaska lawmakers, according to the Associated Press.

But he also acknowledged it would have to be a small attack, since there are only eight interceptor missiles in place in Alaska and California.
I feel safer already...

WMD regular reader PK and I have been going round and round on missile defense over at his blog and he makes one good point: what about a massive attack? Sounds to me like we're not ready for that yet. But it also sounds as if real progress is being made too.