Monday, March 21, 2005

Politicizing Schiavo is Disgusting

If this memo was actually put together and distributed, the Republicans in the Senate that are responsible should be ashamed of themselves. This is not a subject that should be used for political gain. Maintain the high road for goodness sakes...

3/22 Update

The PowerLine guys are calling for the release of this memo because there are some inconsistencies in the story from prescribed Senate memo procedures in the original story. Could this be another Democrat/Media Alliance dirty trick? They've done it before with RatherGate. The only way we'll know for sure is if the memo is released...a transcript won't do it...we can't trust the media to be honest with us anymore.

My original condemnation stands IF this is an actual memo. If it is yet another "fake but accurate" ploy...then shame on the media and whoever thought it was a good idea...I have my suspicions about which political party they might belong to, but we'll wait until we learn more before crossing that bridge.