Thursday, March 31, 2005

While the Cat is Away...

Matt will be out of town on Friday. So while the cat is away, the mice get to play.

I know that he normally opens up Fridays for Open Thread Friday. If you have any thoughts, comments, and questions, please feel free to drop us a line. Unfortunately, the other people like myself who post on a frequently infrequent basis actually have to work while we are at our Daytime Blogging Facility (just kidding Matt). So while you might post thoughts, comments, and questions, please be patient if we do not respond right away. We will get to it, eventually.

Looks like Matt actually knew he was going to be away tomorrow, because he posted kind of heavy today. It's all good though. Take your time and read through some of the posts.

I can give you a glimpse into some of the things that are going to be happening here in the near future. I plan on having something ready to post for tomorrow. I know Matt has received a whole bunch of documents related to the Schneider case that he has been covering (see related postings in the sidebar and in the archives). It will take some time for him to be able to sort through all of the material. Hopefully, you will see more of me posting while he is sorting through that stuff. That pretty much brings you up to speed. Other things are in development and are not mine to share with you, so you will have to ask Matt when he gets back. Other than that, spring has officially arrived, the boys of summer start playing on Sunday, and we will continue to bring you the best blogging that we can.