Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Winds of Change

By Matt for the TIB Network:

I am curious why my correspondent didn't send me this article from Arab News while he was over there looking for hate America rhetoric...

From Arab News:
Winds of change are blowing though the region: Elections in Iraq, a successful rebellion against the old establishment in the Palestinian Parliament, constitutional changes on the cards in Egypt and now people power in Lebanon. Until a few weeks ago, change was seen as driven from outside, by the Americans. Those who still think that are clearly wrong. The Americans may have done some of the initial driving but it is now being driven from within. The Middle East is ready for change and wants a change but not only between Palestinian and Israeli.
Good point. While America started the Great Middle East Freedom Ride, it is the people of the Middle East that are making it happen now. These people want change...and they have been encouraged to push for it because of what is going on in Iraq and the Palestinian Authority. I expect we'll see more and more demonstrations as more and more people get a taste of real freedom. I fully expect we'll see activity in Egypt, Syria and Iran...I wouldn't be too surprised to see Kuwait and Qatar jump in at some point.


Islamofascism Delenda Est!