Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Ah-nold For Border Security....

"Close the borders in California and all across Mexico and in the United States," Schwarzenegger said Tuesday at the annual meeting of the Newspaper Association of America. "Because I think it is just unfair to have all those people coming across, have the borders open the way it is, and have this kind of lax situation."

Yet another reason to love the Governator! Some are already saying Ah-nold is being a hypocrite, but remember: Ahnold came here LEGALLY, WENT THROUGH THE PROCESS, AND BECAME A PRODUCTIVE CITIZEN!!! The people he is talking about here flout our laws, are encouraged by a rogue government, and are not contributing to society, and in fact are a drain on the society, in terms of health care, insurance, and prison services. Way to go Ah-nold! I think he should next sanction a Minuteman project on his boarder!!!!