Tuesday, April 19, 2005

India and Pakistan: Peace in our time?

From the Times Online:
INDIA and Pakistan hailed the rewards of “cricket diplomacy” yesterday, when the leaders of the two formerly hostile neighbours said that peace was now irreversible.

General Pervez Musharraf, the visiting President of Pakistan, and Manmohan Singh, the Indian Prime Minister, pledged a series of confidence-building measures to improve trade and travel between the two states and in particular defuse the potentially explosive conflict in the disputed region of Kashmir.

Originally the three-day visit by General Musharraf to India was supposed to be an informal chance for the two leaders to meet at a one-day cricket international between India and Pakistan.

But, as Mr Singh explained yesterday, the game opened the way for four rounds of diplomatic talks that have improved relations between the two countries to their best level in years.
This is excellent news and I'm sure that India/China thing had nothing to do with it at all...

Mark's Remarks

No, that India/China thing meant nothing...nope....(whistle)... This is very good news. Somewhere, Mohandas Ghandi is looking on with a smile, perhaps for the first time in many years.