Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Politicizing Schiavo

An excerpt from another press release from yet another liberal organization that would trample on the Constitution:
The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence began running print advertising today urging defeat of the legislation. The print ads were to run this week in The Hill and Roll Call newspapers as well as the New York Times and The Washington Post. "Senators, Err on the Side of Life," the print ad reads. "Don't make it easier for killers to get guns." The ad can be viewed at http://www.bradycampaign.org.
That "err on the side of life" rhetoric is lifted right out of the Schiavo debate. Isn't it sick how these liberals do that? Of course, only conservatives politicize things in their world...for once, I'm calling them on it.


Here's a press release responding to gun-grabbers who say that the Second Amendment aids terrorists:
"It's been pretty clear for a long time," Gottlieb observed, "that gun grabbers don't have a clue. All they want to do is take guns away from people, any guns, all guns, and they don't care how much blood they dance through or how much false hysteria they spread to get the job done.

"Look at their track record," he said. "Anti-gunners have used every excuse, every tragic event, to demand increasingly restrictive gun laws. They pushed gun bans to stop urban crime, but look how that has failed in places like Washington, DC and Chicago. They pressed for a gun free school zones law but that hasn't stopped tragedies like Columbine and, more recently, Red Lake High School in Minnesota. And lately they've tried to gull America into supporting bans on certain firearms as a way to thwart terrorism.

"America," he said, "has finally awakened to what is essentially a one-note campaign being waged against their gun rights. Present anti-gunners with a problem and their only solution is to take guns away from law-abiding citizens. Well, that's not a solution, it's a sham. Whatever else terrorists happen to be, they are criminals, and you do not stop criminals by disarming their intended victims. Average Americans have figured this out, and we can only wonder why the gun control crowd hasn't."
Of course, the real issue is personal responsibility. Liberals just won't accept personal responsibility when there is a corporation that can be blamed and sued...

Mark's Remarks

"Err on the side of life" by the Left....HA! Yep, that is why you advocate abortion, why you think starvation brings euphoria and happiness, and why your heroes in old Europe want to kill old people and the infirm with the Grongigen Protocols....Yep, that is all for erring on the side of life....Give me a break.

Gun control laws do not stop violent crime. Look closely at England's crime rate and you will see it. What it stops is the ability of people to defend themselves from those who would get the guns illegally anyway....When are these dolts going to wake up?