Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Related Stories

They report, you decide...

Me? I think one has a LOT to do with the other. Liberals don't understand that radio is market driven...you can't just throw money at it and have people want your product.

Mark's Remarks

Yep, the party of "free" speech cannot hack it in the free market of ideas. So, we first let excuses fly, like talk radio listeners are stupid, as Cuomo and others said (a sure way to get people on your side, there, libs). Next comes the misleading numbers--expansion to 50 markets, while conservative talk is expanding faster. Now we have the call for revival of the "Fairness Doctrine." Tell you what: you give the Gideons equal time to present in the classroom when you do sex ed and put the condoms on the bananas and then we will talk. You libs give the 10 commandments equal time in the court as you do international law and we will talk. You liberals give nativity scenes equal time and we will consider it. Isn't it funny that the party of "no censorship" and "free speech" advocates censoring views they do not agee with? Whatever happened to the free debate of ideas? Wait, I forgot--that is what is going on now on the airwaves and the Left is losing, and they cannot take it...my bad....