Michael Eric Dyson has blasted Bill Cosby for being upset with modern black 'culture', ie, hip hop, gangsta rap, denigration of women. Mr. Dyson has written a book called Is Bill Cosby Right? in which he gos after the comedian for exercising his freedom of speech in calling for more parental involvement, less denigration of women, more personal responsibility.
Dyson goes on to discuss two new cultures: the Afristocracy--black lawyers, doctors, businesspeople, middle class, who have forgotten their roots and look down about the:
Ghettocracy--the down and out mainstream blacks, who is Dyson's world, are the majority and who should not be looked down upon for doing drugs, having children out of wedlock, destroying communities.
Here is one for Mr. Dyson: hypocritocracy--those who decry successful blacks who preach personal responsibility and rebirth, while being highly successful based on the struggles of their own people, doing little put stirring the cauldron of hate. Mr. Cosby has offered to help the black community. He has paid for endowments to universities to get more blacks in school. He has done a lot. What has Dyson done, other than simply blame whitey and so called Uncle Toms? He and Jackson are part of this hypocritocracy.
Mr. Dyson is off-base, as usual. This apologist for racist and mysoginist behavior by Blacks in pop culture basically uses the tired stereotypes of sellout with a new name. He was even quoted as saying he doesn't really worry about what rap lyrics are telling people to do, he is more worried about what the 'condoleezas, clarence thomases, and cosbys are doing' to damage black society.
Mr. Dyson is dead wrong. Mr. Cosby is right. There does need to be an examination of the questions and issues Mr. Cosby raised. Of course, apologists like Dyson just want to keep the masses on the liberal plantation of the government dole, keep them clouded in the false racism of blaming "whitey" for everything, and of taking no responsibility. That way, they keep the segregationist philosophies of Dyson and Jesse Jackson alive.
Race relations have made tremendous strides, as has the black community, as more and more are joining the middle and upper classes than ever before. Yet, Dyson, Jackson, and company merely seek out problems to highlight to keep their hate industry alive and well.
Instead of castigating Mr. Cosby, they should be thanking him for opening up the debate and debate him honestly. They should be addressing the problems he addresses. However, instead, they just choose to blame successful people and to continue to ask for more of other people's money. Truly sad.