Monday, May 09, 2005

Germany: UK Should 'Get Over' WWII

This (from the Independent) sounds like our old friend Peter van P.:
Sixty years after the end of the Second World War in Europe, British people are still obsessed with Nazism, and ignorant about Germany, said the German ambassador to London, Thomas Matussek.

"The British behave as if they had conquered Hitler's hordes single-handedly. And they continue to see us as Nazis, as if they have to refight the battles every evening. They are enchanted by this Nazi dimension," he said yesterday. "It's not anti-German sentiment precisely, but it's because we know too little about each other. Ignorance can breed xenophobia, which can breed hatred. That's what we've learnt in Germany."
Those who are ignorant or forget the past are doomed to repeat it. Germany, apparently, (and really most of Europe, if not the whole world) still needs that lesson.