Thursday, May 05, 2005

Kofi's Involvement in Oil-for-Food

Mark called during lunch and let me know that there was a story out about a former Volcker commission guy who turned over documents exposing Kofi Annan's role in the UNSCAM scandal. Here is what I have uncovered thus far:
On Friday, April 29, 2005, Robert Parton, a former senior investigative counsel with the Independent Inquiry Committee on the United Nations Oil-for-Food Programme, was subpoenaed for documents by U.S. Rep. Henry J. Hyde (R-Ill.), chairman of the House International Relations Committee.

On Thursday, May 5, Parton complied with the subpoena.

"I have directed investigators for the Committee to begin an immediate and careful examination of documents received from Mr. Parton," Hyde said.

"I wish to extend to Mr. Parton my thanks for fully complying with the Committee's subpoena. It is my hope and expectation that neither the United Nations nor the independent inquiry will attempt to sanction Mr. Parton for complying with a lawful subpoena," he added.

Because the review of the subpoenaed materials is currently underway, Hyde declined to characterize their contents.

Hyde said the subpoena was issued in the context of the Committee's year-long investigation of the Oil-for-Food program. The Committee has conducted seven oversight hearings since April of 2004 and issued several subpoenas to various UN contractors associated with the Oil-for-Food program.

Hyde said he plans to unveil wide-ranging UN reform legislation later this spring which he said would be included in the Foreign Relations Authorization Act expected to be considered by the House of Representatives this summer.
The above is a press release from Henry Hyde's House International Relations Committee office.

Not much on Annan in that, but here is a FOX News story that sheds some light on the subject.
Documents involving actions taken by U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan in the Oil-for-Food investigation were handed over to Congress on Wednesday night, FOX News has learned.

The documents were given to federal lawmakers by Robert Parton, a former senior investigator on the Independent Inquiry Committee probing the $64 billion program.

Parton and Miranda Duncan,who both resigned from the panel last month in protest, have accused the IIC of downplaying Annan's role in the Oil-for-Food corruption scandal in an interim report released by the panel last March.
Okay, so now we're a bit closer to understanding what these documents actually are...and the motivations of those who have delivered them.
After the subpoena was issued Friday night, Parton's attorney wrote to the United Nations and to IIC head Paul Volcker asking if they would instruct Parton to defy a Congressional subpoena.

When both the United Nations and the Volcker committee refused to answer, Parton took action and, on Wednesday night, handed over the boxes of documents to a congressional committee.

Those boxes contain records of Parton's investigation of Annan's actions and are believed to be damaging to the secretary-general.
Sounds like the UN and the commission are looking for scapegots to pin the fallout on...good luck with that Kofi...

Mark's Remarks

The lack of condemnation of Koffi by Volcker's commission is the Carter in him coming out. We can't cause more distress to the UN than we have, we can't lose Koffi, because he is so inspiring. Therefore, we bury these documents.

Anyone who think Kofi didn't know more than is let on is living in a dream world. His son was knee deep for goodness sake, you don't think the Sec. Gen of the UN is going to know what companies get contracts, and also that he won't know which company his son works for? Come on!!!!

Also, why the rush to shred so many documents by his top (now retired) assistant. Hmmm.....Sounds like the Volcker commission was like Officer Barbrady on the case.