Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Fox: John Warner Reacts to Bush Speech

Two Faced Sen. Warner of VA, chairman of Armed Services Committee--I am so proud of the President, that he would not stick to artificial timetable...blah blah blah....

If you are so proud, how come you don't stand with him more often, like against those idiot mavericks McCain, Graham, and Hagel? Hmm???

Oh, now Mr. Warner is talking about Iraqis coming to our shores if we don't stand down....Oh, now Mr. Warner is saying we need to back the President and be bipartisan and back the President and such....Good Lord, isn't that a bit too late to do that? Tell that to Dick the Turban Durbin! Why don't you call for his censure? That would show strong support for the troops, now wouldn't it?!? Hmm????