Friday, June 10, 2005

Patriot Games

I'll be writing about this for the MVCA later today, but I wanted to share with the rest of our audience what regular reader and liberal Peter K. has to say on the subject because it shows that while we disagree on other issues, he gets it when it comes to national security.
Patriot Act? Fascist Act? Freedom more like it!

This isn't even a question people.

Fellow believers in the liberating power of freedom (cough...capitalism). I believe that providing law enforcement agencies with ever greater surveillance and enforcement powers is ultimately better for everyone concerned. People will argue that the 16 provisions of the Patriot Act are not good for freedom because they "undermine privacy." I ask you, what do you need privacy for if a jet plane is flying into your retina?

Fellow citizens, consider the following scenario. A disturbed man from Ohio named Iyman Faris who said he would blow up stuff might have actually blown up stuff had we not used the Patriot Act to discover his plans and send him to jail. Therefore, you should approve of the Patriot Act.

For those of you who prefer to receive your political discourse in 30 second segments and sound bytes, repeat after me several times: More police + less privacy = more freedom.
Go over there and tell Peter that he is a Great American!


MVCA piece is up...