Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Just How Low Will Liberals Go?

Michelle Malkin reports that Air America is being investigated in New York for diverting federal and local funds intended for inner-city kids into their coffers.

How pathetic is it that you have to steal from kids in order to put out such a crappy product?

Mark's Remarks

Wow! You mean, the Left steals money that was meant "for the children?" Gee, and here I thought it was only conservatives who want to throw out old people from their homes, who want to keep inner city kids starved, and who want to steal kids' lunch money? Gee, Al Franken, you look well-fed enough. Give some money back to the children. I mean, you are getting subsidized by Soros, Robert Redford's Sundance Channel, your Hollywood buddies like Garry Marshall, and you still feel the need to steal from the children. Hmmm...terrible!

But, it is typical of the Left to engage in behaviors they project onto the Right.

To wit,

the decision by mostly liberals on the Supreme Court to take away property rights guaranteed in the Constitution by allowing the government to take your land for PRIVATE purposes,

Air America stealing from the Children,

The Left refusing to let common Americans have the same access to personal savings accounts that Senators like John Kerry have,

The Left not allowing common Americans to have the same choice in schooling as rich Lefties like Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Al Gore, and others, who are free to send their kids to private schools rather than failing public schools.

The 21st Century Democratic party--stepping on the common American one right at a time.