Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Holy $#|+...Sorta

Doug, what do you make of this? I really don't see how the Catholic Church will be able to say no to married priests now that they have one in their ranks...is this the solution to the child abuse scandal? I think so...at least it is a step in the right direction, plus it helps alleviate the priest shortage problem...

Mark's Remarks

I do think the Catholic Church should allow married priests. After all, we are told that the first Bishop of Rome, St. Peter, was married. So were most of the Apostles. Many of the early church saints were married or had been married.

That being said, it will do nothing to stop the lunatic pedophile problem. Sickos are still sickos, whether married or not. Look at the BTK killer. He was married, I believe, and still did those horrible things. What needs to be done, in my outsider's view, is more due dilligence, and less CYA.