We’re often told that Islamic terrorism has an exact mirror in Christian-inspired extremism. Sure, there are thousands of jihadis killing and maiming people of all creeds and colors, but look at Timothy McVeigh! Can’t; he’s compost now. But when he was alive he wasn’t shouldering aside old ladies to make morning Mass; McVeigh was one of those pathetic Aryan pagans who would have beat up Jesus for his dusky hue. What about that abortion bomber guy, Eric Rudolph? Sorry; he calls himself a disciple of Nietzsche. Well, what about the Crusades? And Dresden? Fine. Drop us a line when someone drives a 737 into the Sears Tower on behalf of a bygone Pope and General Eisenhower.There you have it. That is my take on the subject... Now, let's move on to something else...
Thursday, August 11, 2005
One of the things that has really started to annoy me is the moral equivalence being shown towards Islamofascism by those on the left. Finally, James Lileks says what I have been thinking but have thuse far been unsuccessful in articulating: