Monday, September 12, 2005

Competence Matters, Part 3

From Iran Focus:
Iran’s Revolutionary Guards have been following closely the way the United States government has been handling Hurricane Katrina, and drawing strategic conclusions from it.

In remarks that appeared on Ansar-e Hezbollah website on Sunday, a top official of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) said the devastating hurricane had exposed America’s vulnerabilities.

“The mismanagement and the mishandling of the acute psychological problems brought about by Hurricane Katrina clearly showed that others can, at any given time, create a devastated war-zone in any part of the U.S.”, Brigadier General Masoud Jazayeri, the official spokesman of the IRGC, said.

“If the U.S. attacks Iran, each of America’s states will face a crisis the size of Katrina”, he said, referring to the massive hurricane which hit the southern coast of the United States. “The smallest mistake by America in this regard will result in every single state in that country turning into a disaster zone”.

“How could the White House, which is impotent in the face of a storm and a natural disaster, enter a military conflict with the powerful Islamic Republic of Iran, particularly with the precious experience that we gained in the eight-year war with Iraq?” he said.
Okay...there are a couple of things in here worth talking about, but let's start with the Katrina implications.

I've been waiting to see this actually...I was wondering which idiot was going to be the first to suggest that their pathetic little third world nation could wreak a natural disaster on the United States. I might have known it would be the Islamofascisist dunderheads in Iran. My money was on North Korea's Little Kim, so I owe somebody a buck...

Lesson Learned: Yet again, political bickering prevented the American people from uniting in the face of danger and hardship further emboldening our enemies to take more and more drastic action.

Now, let's take a look at that last we know why this idiot has only one-star. Perhaps, the general would like to review Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Desert Storm one more time. Both wars were executed in the fastest times with the fewest casualties in the history of warfare.

While the White House is not a first responder to domestic natural disasters, the executive branch of the US government is most definitely a first responder when it comes to deterring foreign disasters like Iran. Which means, it is time for me to explain my idea for the next phase of the war on terror...

Expand the conflict.

Yes, you heard me right. There are more of our guys than there are of them. Let's take our air power to Iran. Let's pound Syria in to submission. A little pressure on Saudi Arabia wouldn't hurt either.

Go on the offensive.

Turn our special forces guys loose. Give them a target and let them do their thing.

Enough tomfoolery, it is time to get back in it. It is time to win it.

Mark's Remarks

I could not agree more. We have shown that we CAN handle two warzones, and a natural disaster. That is what the "geniuses" at Iran's analysis burear did not take into account. Are we on the brink of total insurrection across the country? No. We have become united in the private sector in our giving and caring for the displaced, even as the politicians gripe and bicker.

Iran, like most of our enemies, may have a point in regards to how the government handles things, but they misunderestimate the will and spirit of the American people.

A stupid mistake, and, I hope, a fatal one.