1. The President needs to sign an executive order temporarily halting ALL taxes at the pumps on gasoline. (Bob Taft will hate that, but screw him!) This makes sense in that the taxpayer is getting hit enough with the crazy prices now. By easing the tax rate on the gas stations, it eases the price on the gallon of gas.
2. Issue an executive order temporarily repealing the environmental issues in the states that cause a huge backwash in production by having to manufacture over 40 different blends of gas.
This will create more supply out of the backflow of oil already waiting to be refined. Instead of having to do it 40 different ways, just pick one (even the most lefty friendly one, I don't care) and say it is the gasoline of the land until we get things righted again.
3. Issue an executive order saying, to hell with the environmentalists, ANWR is open for business. The companies have wanted to do it, the citizens around ANWR want/need the jobs, and the people of the nation do not want to go back to the horse and buggy simply for some friggin caribou. Also, we need to open the Gulf Coast to exploration, as huge reserves have been reported there. I believe also the Santa Barbera or San Fernando valley area are rich in gas as well. By seeking to open new areas of drilling, we lessen the dependence on foreign oil.
4. Promote the building and renovation of refineries. Doing so will ease the backlog of oil waiting to be refined from crude and into usable gasoline, plastics, etc.