Monday, September 12, 2005

Today's Conspiracy Theory

With a tip of the hat to Two Babes's Chris, I present this from al-Reuters:
Companies with ties to the Bush White House and the former head of FEMA are clinching some of the administration's first disaster relief and reconstruction contracts in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

At least two major corporate clients of lobbyist Joe Allbaugh, President George W. Bush's former campaign manager and a former head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, have already been tapped to start recovery work along the battered Gulf Coast.

One is Shaw Group Inc. and the other is Halliburton Co. subsidiary Kellogg Brown and Root. Vice President Dick Cheney is a former head of Halliburton.

Bechtel National Inc., a unit of San Francisco-based Bechtel Corp., has also been selected by FEMA to provide short-term housing for people displaced by the hurricane. Bush named Bechtel's CEO to his Export Council and put the former CEO of Bechtel Energy in charge of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation.

Experts say it has been common practice in both Republican and Democratic administrations for policy makers to take lobbying jobs once they leave office, and many of the same companies seeking contracts in the wake of Hurricane Katrina have already received billions of dollars for work in Iraq.
Of course, what follows is a detailed summary of HALLIBURTON!

Your black helicopter awaits...

...enjoy your ride.

Mark's Remarks

Of course, it is all Bush's fault that Halliburton was cleared for being no.1 for no bid contracts in the Clinton Admin, right, libs?

Look, KBR/Halliburton is very good at what it does, so is Bechtel. The libs, I guess, want Joe's Construction which builds shanty shacks and condemned buldings, to rebuild New Orleans. Because, as we all know, we need to just rebuild, who cares if it is good rebuilding. But wait, isn't that subjectively racist, since most of the houses would be for "the poor blacks?" Wouldn't the Left want experts like KBR and Co. to build quality housing and infrastructure for New Orleanians?