Wednesday, October 26, 2005

DeWine: "Enough is Enough"

From the Washington Times (registration required):
Senate Republicans yesterday dismissed conservative leaders' adamant opposition to the Supreme Court nomination of Harriet Miers.

"This is absurd," said Sen. Mike DeWine, the Ohio Republican who sits on the Judiciary Committee. "We need to move on to hearings."
"Enough is enough," Mr. DeWine said. "If I pick up one more paper and read about one more group that I've never heard of saying they're for Miers or against Miers -- it just doesn't matter at this point."
Hey, Mikey...the only thing you got going for you in your upcoming election is that you aren't Sherrod Brown or Paul Hackett.

Since when did the views of the voters not matter? Since when does the views of your constituents not matter? If anything is absurd, it is the view being taken by Establishment Republicans such as Mike DeWine.
Mr. DeWine said Republican senators facing challengers in the 2006 election -- such as himself -- need not worry that their positions on the nomination will be held against them.

"This is not a factor," he said yesterday. "People are not having a big discussion back in Ohio. It's not a huge issue."
You ignore the number two issue from the last election cycle at your own risk, Mr. DeWine.

My regular reader from the Ohio GOP might do well to point this out to the Senator when he or she gets the chance...