Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Iraqis Reach Constitution Deal

Remember all the nonsense about a civil war brewing in Iraq. The Sunnis were supposed to be all ticked off and want to kill everybody else so they could regain power, right? that's all I heard from our media. Turns out, the Sunnis have just agreed to support the Constitution.

From ABC News:
President Jalal Talabani and other top politicians on Wednesday praised as "historic" the last-minute compromises that negotiators reached on the draft constitution and urged Iraqis to vote "yes" in this weekend's referendum.

"I have good news for the Iraqi people on this historic day. An agreement has been reached on amendments to the draft constitution," Talabani said during a nationally televised news conference. "There is no excuse for Arab Sunnis to boycott the vote now that we have responded to all their demands and suggestions."

He was followed at the microphone by several other Iraqi politicians who also praised the compromises reached on Tuesday night by Sunni, Shiite and Kurdish powerbrokers on the charter ahead of Saturday's referendum.
So...what's next?

Mark's Remarks

What's next is the vote itself. What is intriguing is the different analyses I have heard. Some conservatives want this Constitution to pass regardless of if the Sunni stay home, they want the document approved and implemented immediately. Others say that would be terrible and would incite civil war. In this same vein, some, such as Mark Steyn actually do not mind if the Constitution goes down in flames as long as the Sunni show up to vote and vote no. Then, the process would have been served and would not be seen by the Sunni as some shame to railroad them into something they do not want.

I am hopeful that the Sunni will show up and will vote with others for this Document. I believe the approval of this document will drive a further stake into the heart of the insurgency, which NEWSFLASH!!!!!--WE ARE WINNING AGAINST!