Sunday, October 16, 2005

LIberal Armpit of Ohio in Riot Flames

Dateline: Toledo, Ohio.

Here is the story:
A crowd protesting a white supremacists' march Saturday turned violent, throwing baseball-sized rocks at police, vandalizing vehicles and stores, and setting fire to a neighborhood bar, authorities said.

When Mayor Jack Ford and a local minister tried to calm the rioting, they were cursed for allowing the march, and Ford said a masked gang member threatened to shoot him.
At least 65 people were arrested and several police officers were injured before calm was restored about four hours later.

Ford blamed the rioting on gangs taking advantage of a volatile situation. He declared a state of emergency, set an 8 p.m. curfew through the weekend, and asked the Highway Patrol for help.

"It's exactly what they wanted," Ford said of the group that planned the march, which was canceled because of the rioting.
At least two dozen members of the National Socialist Movement, which calls itself "America's Nazi Party," had gathered at a city park to march under police protection. Organizers said they were demonstrating against black gangs they said were harassing white residents.

So who is the bigger idiot? The evil, disgusting Nazis, or the morons who made their claims a reality by acting like crazed animals and throwing things?

WWMLKD? What would Martin Luther King Do? Not riot, that's for sure. Of course, I am sure Martin's self-appointed successor, Jay Jay the Jet Plane (Rev. Jackson) will come in and blame it all on the police, the mayor, and not the individuals who actually rioted.