If those disappointed by the Miers nomination want to assure that a Michael Luttig or a Michael McConnell never get nominated much less through the Senate, they will pursue tactics that will diminish the Senate majority so that the constitutional option is off the table.Of course, I go back and ask the question I asked of Hugh when he supported Arlen Specter for Judiciary Chair...what difference does it make to have a majority if the Party won't use it to get qualified conservative nominees confirmed?
The nuclear option will be off the table? Hell, Hugh, when was it ON the table? This set of Republicans sure isn't interested in governing like they have a majority...

Elections are supposd to have consequences. That they don't when Republicans win signals a greater doom than just losing our majority in the Senate. It means that it doesn't matter who we vote for...we're going to get the same kind of ineffectual, big government BS that we could get from Democrats. People are starting to ask, "What's the point?"
If we are so blind to party over principle, we have become what we loathe...we have become Democrats. And you can put me down in the 'against it' column.