Tuesday, October 25, 2005

A Question from Hewitt

Hugh asks:
Question: Well into his second term, mired in scandal and obvious unending lies and deepening crisis, did any senior Democrat turn on Bill Clinton? One year into his second term, and days after a huge and historically significant election in Iraq and a month after yet another unfair savaging at the hands of the MSM over Katrina, George Bush surveys his allegedly supportive pundits and the GOP Senate majority that he made, and he finds what?

Is the GOP incapable of governing as a majority?
The GOP is certainly incapable of governing as a majority. At least, not conservatively anyway. The Republicans in Congress have become as drunk with the spending as the Democrats. The Republican in the White House has botched the number two issue from the last election cycle (that's the SCOTUS if you're scoring at home).

If it is only about winning elections, then yes the Republicans are governing just fine. But, if it is about principles and advancing a conservative agenda...then I'd have to say "no."

Comparing conservative pundits and bloggers to Clinton loving media whores is insulting, degrading, and intellectually dishonest. A guy who wrote the book on BLOGs should know that. The right side of the blogosphere aren't Bush cheerleaders, unlike some people...

1:00PM Update

Welcome LLama fans!

More Truth to Hewitt speaking can be found here.

Mark's Remarks

Hugh Hewitt is losing his mind because the rest of the world just doesn't understand his Republican nuance in defending Miers with trust me and she's against abortion, and oh yeah, trust me she's against abortion.

Looking out, do you know what I see? I see the base of the GOP, the conservatives, have finally had enough. They are sick of hacks like you, Hugh, who make it just about maintaining power and not about acting on principle. They hate the way you and your ilk have co-opted this President, how even as you are now championing his cause you undermined his authority in the matter by supportin Alan Spector, how you undermined his authority by promoting the gang of 14 as genius political strategy.

What you are seeing, counselor, is the difference between the Kook base of the Democrats and the base of the GOP. We have free thinkers who feel they can disagree, they can debate based on reason, on issue. On the left, and unfortunately,it appears to me, with you and your hackery, you can only namecall and act effette and elitist.