Friday, October 07, 2005

Rep. Boehner on Iraqi Troops

From the weekly bulliten:
Today there are 116 Iraqi combat battalions in operation, which is significantly higher than just a year and a half ago. U.S. commanders have given each of these battalions a ranking designating their level of sophistication.

Level 1 units are labeled as being fully independent - they can fight without any support from U.S. forces. There is one battalion in this category, as the Wall Street Journal pointed out.

Level 2 units lead efforts against terrorists and insurgents, but still need support from U.S. forces. There are 36 units at Level 2.

Level 3 units fight alongside coalition forces. These units contribute personnel, language capabilities, maintain guard posts and set up traffic checkpoints. There are 79 units at Level 3; 22 of them have been formed since July.

When U.S. commanders began their "readiness assessment" of Iraqi battalions in May, three were at Level 1. Over time, we adjusted and refined the standards for Level 1 - basically, we raised the bar. When that happened, only one battalion was found to meet all of the requirements for Level 1 status. This is what the Wall Street Journal was writing about.

You may have also read recent news articles questioning the media`s ability to report the operations in Iraq accurately. I encourage constituents to read everything they can, including verbatim transcripts off the Defense Department website ( By comparing the press accounts and the Defense Department accounts, you will have more information with which to make your own decisions about the progress we're making in Iraq.
The media is purposefully distorting these numbers and what they mean. It doesn't help that Sen. John McCain (RINO) is helping them do it.

Granted, we need to see improvement in the number of units at Level One, but let's not kid ourselves about the number of Iraqis who are laying it on the line right next to our team.

You hear me, Chris? :)

Mark's Remarks

You see, this is why it is important to have all the facts, not just wait for the little sound bites of the Lib Media or the MOve on talking points, because ultimately, they are half-truths, obfuscations, or just plain wrong! We are training Iraqis, more and more are taking the lead. However, because we don't have a ready made army, liberals are yelling failure! Gee, if libs would have been around during the Revolutionary War, there would have been no independence, because they had to develop processes and infrastructure that took time. Of course, maybe no US is what liberals are after....I dunno.