Wednesday, October 05, 2005

"We the People" Update

Yesterday I wrote about the "Ethics Alert" calls and suggested that perhaps Ohio Democrats were behind them. Eric Pfeiffer over at NRO's The Buzz blog reports this interesting tidbit:
Spokespersons for the Ohio and Kentucky Democratic Parties have both denied any knowledge of or coordination with the “We the People” phone messages.

I’m hearing rumors of a George Soros money connection, but am waiting for more information to verify.
He also says it isn't just Ohio. The list:
Connecticut: Chris Shays

Indiana: John Hostettler, Chris Chocola

Kentucky: Ann Northup, Ron Lewis, Geoff Davis

Louisiana: Rodney Alexander

Ohio: Mike DeWine, Mike Turner, Jean Schmidt, Deborah Pryce, Pat Tiberi, Dave Hobson, John Boehner

Pennsylvania: Curt Weldon

Washington State: Dave Reichert

Wisconsin: Paul Ryan
Note to George Soros: STAY OUTTA MY STATE YOU FREAK! Take your money and spend it somewhere else...better yet, feed the poor or something.

Ohio Liberals: Having this guy around is NOT going to help your cause. Feel free to send that message back to Moonbat Central...unless, of course, you are a moonbat too...