Saturday, November 12, 2005

GOP Loses Spine Again

This time, it's ANWR. Remember when these weasels promised the American people they would get this done in the budget bill? Guess what? They screwed us again. Neither the Democrats or the Republicans are looking out for us when it comes to energy issues. It's all about lobbyists and push polls.

I'm disgusted with lying politicians and the parties who just can't seem to get anything done. They are too busy fighting their whizzing contest to be bothered with taking care of the serious issues this nation faces.

10:00 AM Update

It's like the GOP didn't bother to learn any lessons from the Miers nomination debacle...

12:30PM Update

These spineless RINOs have a nickname, the "Republican Main Street Partnership"...check out their membership list here. Mike Turner should seriously think about going back to being mayor of Dayton again...

Mark's Remarks

I cannot believe this nonsense. Everytime we get some politicians with a spine who stand up for what is good for the country (take Tom Coburn in the Senate, for example), we get shlocked by people who only care about the next election. This latest decision is a disgrace, and truthfully, it shows me that the major failure of the Bush Administration is in not keeping the GOP legislators in the stable, not keeping them on task and on message. For too long, and in part Newt Gingrich gets a huge amount of blame for this, since he forsook the principles of the Contract with America to win elections, thus allowing asshats like Snowe and Chaffee and others to stick around just to get majorities, but then nothing was done with the majorities.

This is one issue I have to give the Democrats credit on. They know how to act like the winners. Even when they are in the minority and should lose, they act like winners. They simply go and get their agenda done, polls be damned. The Republicans know how to win elections, but once they do, they are onlyc concerned with winning the next one. The way you use your leadership and be a leader is to lead, not to cover your butt for a couple of novembers down the road.

Mark's 11/12 Update

The group Matt is referring to, calls themselves the Main Street Republicans. Well, they are screwing over mainstreet by continuing to cave to special interests like the environmental lobby. They are screwing over the Republicans by siding with the Democrats to keep gas prices high. Drilling in ANWR would ahve cut gas prices, would have lessened dependency, and would have taken away two issues from the Dems. The Main Street Republicans, both on this issue, and on the Chaffee issue discussed on the Gas PRICE Act (S1772), show that they are not thinking of Main Street but their own Easy Street. Not one more damned dime until hte RNC gets serious about holding these jerks accountable by encouraging better candidates to run against them in primaries and holding back money.