Sunday, November 06, 2005


Yes, JD is right. I am a reprehensible person. Yep, I did indeed misspeak in the comments when off the cuff I said France surrendered in WWI. I know this is as egregious a sin as lying under oath, I know it is worse than helping someone pass off a false affidavit. I know it is much more serious and sinister than lying about my daughter being in imminent peril jogging around the Twin Towers during 9/11 when she was really across town. I know it is far more sinister than saying that President Bush put a bomb under the levees to kill blacks. I know it is far more sinister than taking cash payments from a brutal dictator. I know it is far more evil than pardoning someone who would collaborate to launder money for a dictator. I know that my one off the cuff misstep, my one emotional "germans bombing Pearl Harbor" moment, has done far more damage to America, to our image, our prestige, than allowing terror to fester and grow, not responding to attacks on our shores and on our assets, and also lying before the world about why I fired people.

I am a terrible person. My last name should be Clinton or Carter with how my one giant mistake and misspeaking has destroyed the culture and climate of America, and I know that more terrorists have been created because of what I said.

Please, French people, do not hurt me. Please, I beg you.

And to those of you who talk about Hobbes, let me give you a bit of Locke: Locke said that when a government destroys the natural rights of the citizens, it should be taken out. Of course, if you like Hobbes, and cite it to justify brutal regimes, I guess that makes you a true lover of democracy. I call it a lover of imperial, emperor like power, a Machievellian.

But, I have no right to speak. I made a mistake about how many times the french surrendered (I mean, you can honestly lose count)so therefore, I should never ever allowed to be trusted with talking to people again. I know what I did is much more sinful and harmful than stealing classified documents from the national archive, but please have mercy on me gentle reader.