Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The "Spector" of Stupidity

OK, Arlen Spector says he and the Senate are WAY too busy to get things rolling on Alito until December at the earliest, most likely January. However, this moron has the time and "concern" to hold A BLINKING PRESS CONFERENCE about Terrell Owens and the Eagles, and says he wants to refer it to the Senate to investigate?

Let's see...a whiny baby spoiled brat manchild of a football player who is still being paid NOT TO PLAY vs. I dunno, filling out the Supreme Court? Hmmm.....

Sorry, Blugh Blewitt was wrong again. Spector should have been axed a long time ago. If Bill Frist was ANY kind of leader, then he would be deposed from the Judiciary Committee. Leahy might as well be chair, as he seems to have more influence over Spector than anyone. How many promises has Spector broken that he made to get his post? Just about all of them....The man is useless to the Republican party, he needs removed now, from his leadership position.