The absolute ban on torture, a cornerstone of the international human rights edifice, is under attack. The principle once believed to be unassailable – the inherent right to physical integrity and dignity of the person -- is becoming a casualty of the so-called "war on terror".
Two things here. First of all, I guess those rights to integrity and dignity of the person do not apply to human babies in the womb. I guess we can torture them with partial birth abortions, etc. Second, "so-called war on terror"? Excuse me, ma'am. Look across town from your luxurious office and you will see a gaping hole where the Twin Towers used to be. There is a real war on terror ma'am, and you and Koffi and the Oil for Food crew don't get it.
Arbour criticizes the US for holding prisoners in detention centers as a form of torture. But, I guess, we don't need to chide terrorists for making innocent people beg for their lives before beheading them before video cameras. Nope, no need for a complaint from Ms. Arbour, High ( I wonder if they mean on drugs) Commissioner for Human Rights. No complaints for killing innocent women and children at wedding parties, either.
Ms. Arbour does reserve some praise for "past US leadership." Translation: the Clinton Administration. You know, the ones who did nothing but file non-binding indictments and who did nothing when confronted with terror attacks on US soil and buildings. Of course, Ms. Arbour does not tell us that if the UN did its job and instead of welcoming terrorists like Libya and other rogue states onto its human rights commissions, actually did something about terror, maybe we wouldn't be in the war now. Maybe instead of looting oil for food and seeking to appease Saddam, maybe they should have enforced their resolutions. Maybe if the great "past US Leadership" had not been chasing skirts, they could have fought terrorism. But wait, I forgot. It's all Bush's fault.
Ms. Arbour, let me be blunt--buy a clue.