Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Another Vote; Another DeWine Defection

AP News Alert:
WASHINGTON (AP) The Senate has rejected oil drilling in an Alaska wildlife refuge as part of a defense spending bill.
I just heard that Sen. DeWine was on the wrong side of this one too...awaiting confirmation...

1:50PM Update

Republicans No

Chafee, R.I.; DeWine, Ohio; Frist, Tenn.
The Frist NAY is procedural... What is DeWine's excuse? Even the senators from Maine went along with this one...

Question for Senator DeWine: Do the caribou trump our troops?

2:00PM Update

I sent the above question to Sen. DeWine via the webform on his website. In about three months I'll get a form letter reply like the last time...

2:30PM Update

And the first blog, other than WMD, to endorse Bill Pierce for Senate is A Face Made 4 Radio... Thank you for your continued support, Steven Kelso! Read the endorsement here.

10:20PM Update

With a hat tip to Bizzy, Large Bill pontificates an endorsement of Bill Pierce as well today. Thanks Bill!