You know, there is a movement out there, by anti-Christians (like the Anti Christian Liars Union) to stamp out of society any mention of Christmas. From stores to schools, Christmas is being shut out like it is going out of style. In the schools, it is often not secularists but school officials who make the call to ban Christmas, because they have been warned by the ACLU that it will bring the school and its officials to court unless all seasonal Christmas items are expunged.
Why do schools relent? They do not have the funds and the pro bono lawyers eager to secularize the schools and make a name for themselves. Knowing that the schools don't have the resources to fight them, the Anti-Christmas Liars Union calls unconstitutional that which the US Supreme Court has called constitutional, eg, th display of a Christmas tree as opposed to a creche.
In effect, the ACLU is interpreting our laws regarding the 1st Amendment, not judges. In fact, the strategy used by the ACLU is the very epitome of bullying. Here is the sad part: ACLUers can bring districts to court even if they don't live there or have kids who go there. Yet, even as Christmas is being banned, Kwanzaa signs, menorahs, and Islamic symbols are taking up bulletin board space.
If I walked into a Jewish owned store, and saw the menorah up, and told the store owner he couldn't call it a menorah because it offended me, and that henceforth it had to be referred to as a candleabra, I would be labelled an anti-Semite and a bigot. So, by comparison, what does that make those who seek to ban Christmas trees and replace them with "holiday" trees?
Further, people who say that minorities and other religions will be offended by Christmas are paying a huge insult to those people. They are saying that Jews, Blacks, and Muslims are too petty, smallminded, and thin-skinned to put up with a word. They are saying that just hearing a word is too much for some people. Give me a break.
The real bigots and zealots are not those trying to get Christmas back, but rather those who seek to banish it altogether.