An illegal alien twice deported by the U.S. "hit the jackpot" on his third try, gaining a job paying $44,000 a year and a federal loan helping him to buy a home in North Carolina.Your federal government at work.
Now, the 24-year-old Mexican is accused of terrorizing American women, as authorities believe he committed up to nine rapes in addition to other crimes.
According to the Greensboro News and Record, Gilberto Cruz Hernandez of Mexico was caught and ousted from the United States twice, but was able to gain entry a third time, and secure employment with a printing company in North Carolina's Piedmont area.
Ironically, "the same federal government that twice deported him put its financial might behind a $123,000 Federal Housing Administration loan that allowed him to buy a brand-new house in Winston-Salem," the paper notes.
And even though he was ticketed 11 times for speeding and other driving infractions, none of the stops resulted in his detention as an illegal alien, a prior deportee or a potential threat to public safety.
At least this guy gets it:
"I'm not saying that we think everybody who is doing this is a terrorist," Randy Jones of the Alamance County Sheriff's Department told the paper. "But you don't have to be extremely intelligent to figure out where this all could lead if it can be done by some Juan Doe who might not even be able to read or write.If enforcing our immigration laws means the price of a head of lettuce doubles, I'm all for it.
"What's to stop an al-Qaida operation from doing exactly the same kind of thing, only with more financing so they can do it even better? This isn't anti-Hispanic or anti-immigrant. It's anti-crime, and we better get a handle on it."
I expect the mileage of the usual dissenters will vary as usual...