This time, he is denying having owned Halliburton stock, against the claims of Peter Schweizer in the book (soon to be review here) Do As I Say(Not as I Do).
(and for jd, this one has endnotes showing research and interviews)
In a nationally televised speech, filmmaker Michael Moore told a college audience he absolutely does not own any Halliburton stock – or any other stock for that matter – a charge leveled at him by author Peter Schweizer in the best-seller book "Do As I Say (Not As I Do)."
There's just one problem with that denial, says Schweizer. He's got the tax returns of Moore's non-profit foundation to prove it – a non-profit foundation for which there are only two officers, Moore and his wife.
Whoops! I guess you forgot to cut that evidence up and eat it with your fava beans and a nice chianti, Mikey boy. Here is Mikey's snide comment:
"I think people find that stuff funny – Michael Moore owns Halliburton stock," said Moore in the Nov. 23 Mott College speech carried by C-SPAN. "That's like a great comedy line. I know it's not true. I've never owned a share of stock in my life -- anything. Did anyone see that a couple weeks ago? Somebody was yakking away. And I just thought, uh, that's funny, I guess. Anyone who knows me is not going to believe that. Who's going to believe that? Just crazy people are going to believe it."
Like one of his heroes, Bill Clinton, I guess Mikey is making a distinction on the definition of a word. With Bubba, it all depended on what the definition of is is. With Mikey, it must be the definition of "own." Moore has claimed he doesn't own any stock, and I guess on one level of semantics he is right: his "foundation" (read tax shelter) owns the stock. He says he doesn't own a single stock...nope, he owns thousands of shares!!!
You see, Mikey, in the real world, this is called factual documentary evidence, not crude cut and paste jobs like you win French awards for.