While we're talking about the senate race, let me highlight some stupidity from our good friend, Markos "Screw 'Em" Zuniga of Daily Kos fame:
In the Ohio Senate race either Democratic challenger Paul Hackett or Sherrod Brown are beating Republican incumbent Sen. Mike DeWine in the polls. Anytime an incumbent is behind in the polls it’s a bad sign because they have all the advantages of incumbency.Kos' record is stunning...he's been picking favorites in a number of races. I recall his record as being 0 for 16... Here's hoping MSNBC and/or Newsweek didn't waste too much paying him for his opinion because it is worthless.
Yeah, I said worthless. Kos was thrilled about President Bush being behind in the polls last year against John Kerry. Guess who won that one? It wasn't the French-looking guy.
In this race, it will be Bill Pierce...
DISCLOSURE: I am the blog administrator for Pierce for Senate.