jd is not going to like this. Despite Senate Intel Committee Vice Chair Jay "Hannity Memo" Rockefeller's comment:
Then people say, 'Well, you know, you all had the same intelligence that the White House had...And I am here to tell you that is nowhere near the truth. We not only don't have, nor probably should we have, the Presidential Daily Brief.
First thing: notice what the usually idiotic Senator says--we should not get the PDB. Hmm..interesting.
Now, to the crux of the whole "we didn't have the same intel stuff. First, the NIE was requested by Dick Durbin and the Intel Committee in 2002, and was the definitive statement of the US intel community's views on Iraq.
According to the presidential Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding WMD, co-chaired by former D Sen. Chuck Robb, the Senators, if they had the PDBs that jd thinks would have been different, would in fact have been MORE LIKELY TO VOTE FOR WAR. The commission concluded that the PDBs made the same mistakes as other intelligence products, such as the NIE, "only in a magnified manner."(CICUSWMD Report)