every creature was whining
screeching like a tortured mouse.
The propaganda was posted by moveon with care
in hopes that impeachment soon would be there...
The leftie loons were all snuggled in their beds,
with visions of Rove frogmarching dancing in their heads.
And HillRod in her scarf, and Mikey in his cap
had just settled down thinking the American a sap.
When straight from FoxNews there arose such a clatter,
The NY Times and and others rose to see what was the matter.
Away from the truth, they flew like a flash,
Tore away national security, and threw a hate bush bash.
The truth shone through on all, even on the story so low,
Gave the lie to the story they had misreported so.
When what to their delusional eyes would appear,
But rising approval rates and less national fear.
With national elections in Iraq, a most special date,
What plagued the dems were those rising approval rates.
And Bush whistled and shouted, and called them by name,
Oh Hillary, Oh Chukie, Dickie and Harry,
Nancy, Murtha, Leakey and Kerry...
Keep spewing hate, keep sowing fear,
and we'll still beat you, despite all the smear.
As his polls went up, we heard Bush in the night,
Merry Christmas to all, we'll keep doing it right!