Saturday, January 07, 2006

More from the Washington Post

From the same article with the drunken ramblings of the murderer of Mary Jo:
Schumer, who gave an afternoon speech to the liberal Center for American Progress. Schumer argued that Alito articulated "a radical theory of executive power" under which "we couldn't have a 9/11 commission." He further mentioned the judge's "extreme views" and said one of his arguments "can't be taken seriously by any serious person." The senator judged that Alito "is in worse shape today than the day he was nominated."

So is that a "no" vote? "No," Schumer said. "We want to hear his views."

Why lie? Chuck the Shmuck and the rest of the far left libs beholden to made up their minds the day he was nominated to replace the failed nomination of Harriet Miers. Why lie? I mean, anyone who hasn't totally snorted the koolaid can see that your mind is already made up...why look like an idiot? Wait, what am I saying, keep it up, Chuck!