Asked to define being pro-gay-rights, Hackett said anybody who tries to deny homosexuals the same rights, including marriage, as every other citizen is un-American. Are you saying, he was asked, that the 62 percent of Ohioans who voted in November 2004 to constitutionally deny same-sex marriages are un-American?You are fairly out of the mainstream when you are for something that 62% of the people you are asking to vote for you are against. You are not facing reality when you then say that those are the folks who are "nuts". Call me crazy, but elections have consequences, folks...
"If what they believe is that we're going to have a scale on judging which Americans have equal rights, yeah, that's un-American. They've got to accept that. It's absolutely un-American."
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Paul Hackett is Ohio's Very Own Howard Dean
Check this out from the Enquirer's political blog: