Thursday, January 26, 2006

Those Crazy DNC Press Releases

It will come as no surprise to anybody who is a regular reader of this blog that I am no big fan of Mike DeWine. Having said that, this is absurd:
The Democratic National Committee released today the following statement for Ohio Republican Sen. Mike DeWine:

Scandal-plagued Vice President Dick Cheney today is scheduled to headline a high-dollar Washington fundraiser for Ohio Republican Senator Mike DeWine. Senator DeWine's decision to accept cash raised by a Vice President referred to as the "Velcro Veep" because of his central role in most of the Bush Administration's scandals raises serious questions about Senator DeWine's commitment to providing the people of Ohio with the honest leadership and the open government they deserve. (USA Today, 12/5/05)

Vice President Cheney's litany of scandals includes the criminal indictment of his chief of staff for his involvement in the possibly illegal leaking of a CIA agent's identity during a time of war, the manipulation of pre-war intelligence, his secret energy task force that gave huge tax breaks to his friends in the oil and gas industry, and his ongoing ties to Halliburton.

"Senator DeWine's decision to take money raised by scandal- plagued Vice President Cheney at a fat-cat Washington fundraiser shows just how out of touch he is with Ohio voters and their values," said Democratic National Committee spokesman Damien LaVera, "While voters in the Buckeye State and across America are eager for leaders who will provide honest leadership and open government, Senator DeWine is busy cozying up to a Vice President who has been a central player in the Republican culture of corruption in Washington. Ohio voters deserve better."
That last sentence is the only thing that I can agree with in the whole thing. Ohio DOES deserve better. Ohio deserves Bill Pierce.

DISCLOSURE: I am the blog administrator for Pierce for Senate. Opinions expressed by me on WMD are mine and mine alone and do not neccissarily reflect the views of Bill pierce or the campaign.