Friday, January 13, 2006

What if You Threw a Hate Filled Screed Fest...

and nobody relevant showed?

Check out this press release...Algore is going to scream again. Now, just to check, Al, but who was the administration that argued for the same roving wiretaps in the 1990s? Whose assistant AG Jamie Gorelick argued that such roving wiretaps were not an intrusion? Whose administration used IRS files to harass potential witnesses in impeachment proceedings? Whose administration sold nuclear information to rogue states? Whose administration leaked national security info allowing Osama to know how we were tracking him?

Now, tell me what gives you the right to lecture this administration on ANYTHING, again, Al?

YOU LOST, GET OVER IT! You know, like MOVEON already!

Just as an aside, if this truly were a police state, do you think Al would be able to make such a speech? Do you think moveon would have any ads on TV or on the Net? Let's cut the hyperbole. The real crisis is career bureaucrats in the State Dept. and Defense and the NSA who have axes to grind, ala Mark Felt, and engage in hypocritical leaking of sensitive info in the name of "protecting the country", when all these jerks are doing in today's leaking society is endangering and giving key intel to the terrorists.

Go ahead and defend those who give aid to the terrorists Al. Go ahead and talk about defending our enemies rights, Al.