Monday, February 13, 2006

Aren't All Candidates One Issue Candidates, with an Ax to Grind?

You know, it is amazing what I hear from the Mike De"Whine" Camp about William G. Pierce, the man running against the incumbent Senator in the coming May primary. He is easily dismissed by "those in the know" as a "one issue candidate", or someone "with an ax to grind." Excuse me, aren't all candidates someone "with an ax to grind"? I mean, isn't the whole point of running because you think you can do a better job than the person currently in there? I mean, come on. I am sure at one point Mr. De"Whine" actually had an issue or two to run on, things he may have believed in (of course, this takes a spine, and as yet, we have yet to have proof of one in Senator De"Whine"). This would make him someone with "an ax to grind."

Some of the greatest changes made to our country were done by people with an "ax to grind." Civil Rights, integrated baseball, equal rights for women, just to name a few. I am sure we would not dismiss Martin Luther King, Jr. with, well, he's just got a beef with the government.

Mr. De"Whine", and all you establishment GOP dregs of intellectual society, have you ever stopped and thought for a moment that maybe we need MORE candidates with a legitimate agenda, or ax to grind? I do. I am tired of candidates from both parties with no agenda other than getting elected. It is high time we had some issue candidates. Maybe then, they will be less career politicians and more citizen legislators. That is the goal of Mr. Pierce. We need more "one issue candidates" with "an ax to grind."

Well, we finally have one. His name is Bill Pierce. Any Republican who is sick of business as usual should go out and vote for this man. Yes, he does have an ax to grind, but in my opinion all candidates need some issue or two to drive them, rather than simply going for the fun perks and getting invited to all the hip parties. Mr. De"Whine" fits the latter category. We need the former. Elect Bill Pierce this coming May.

DISCLOSURE: WMD has endorsed Mr. Pierce in the coming May Primary vs. Mike DeWine, and WMD contributor Matthew Hurley is blog administrator for Bill Pierce.