Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Hillary at SOTU

I'm not the only one who saw this...
Perhaps the Democrats' reaction to aspects of the president's speech was even more important than the speech itself. They remained seated and barely applauded at odd times, including when the president spoke about national security issues. And Hillary Clinton's giddy reaction to the president's statement that his Social Security reform efforts had been stopped looked very weird. It was the first time I've seen her laugh in months.
I found her reaction very odd as well. Are we to take from this that she doesn't want Social Security to be there when I need it? That's a surefire way of getting my vote...

Look, I know it's tough being on the other team and having to sit through one of these...but really there are some things that you just got to package better. You're on national television...all the networks...and this is the best you could do?