Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Quick Hits

AP News Alerts

8:00AM - Saddam Trial Resumes

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) The trial of Saddam Hussein has resumed with his defense lawyers attending for the first time in a month.
Is there really a defense for what he did?
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) Prosecutors have presented a document they say was signed by Saddam Hussein approving death sentences for 148 Shiites.
Answer to the previous question: No.

Other Stuff


cBS has a new poll out with POTUS and VPOTUS ratings in the crapper. Guess what? Twice as many Democrats were polled than Republicans. And about a third as many "independents"... The Corner has the details.


Turns out, all Osama needed was a hug. See? Give peace a chance, man...and hug your kid.


I'm not real sure what to make of this piece from the Cincinnati Enquirer. They won't cover DeWine's challengers with any kind of depth and wonder why they can't get any traction...