Tuesday, February 28, 2006

What the GOP Should Be Doing

A couple of lines from a lengthy (and well worth the read) critique of the Bush administration's woes caught my eye and wanted to share. From the Corner:
We should be eliminating ALL the perks in Congress. We should be talking about lifetime bans on Congresspersons from lobbying. We should be talking about a constitutional amendment requiring supermajorities to increase taxes. We should be far more aggressive on immigration, but the President is simply wrong on this issue too – an issue that the public is dramatically to the right of both parties on.
This is the sort of "vision thing" that the GOP has been lacking in lately. When I jump on the soapbox and rail against the "establishment", this is the sort of thing I am fighting for...and I know I'm not alone.

What other grand ideas should the GOP be tackling? Put your ideas in the comments section, but I'll add a few to the list:

  • Private accounts for Social Security

  • Correct the definition of what a "spending cut" to what it actually is...

  • Literally cut some useless federal programs

  • That ought to get us going...