From my sources within the Ohio GOP and the campaigns:
Bill Pierce and David Smith met with a mediator (whose name I have but am awaiting permission to use it and to get another account) to discuss the situation of their race against incumbent Mike DeWine. This mediator broached the subject of what it would take for Smith to drop out. Smith agreed to drop out if FIFTEEN county chairs would stand up and say that his issue of being a "carpetbagger" (3 runs in 3 states)politician was a fatal flaw. Bill Pierce provided the FIFTEEN. Mr. Smith refused to drop out. According to the fine folks over at Columbus Town Hall, Mr. Smith seems to have a habit of making promises and then denying them, even when captured on video.
Mr. Smith claimed that, if he were to win the nomination, he would beat the carpetbagger charges sure to be levelled at him by Sherrod Brown with "his charisma." Uh, huh? Mr. Smith is great at turning a phrase, I will give him credit. He speaks very loud and angry, but low on substance. We don't need the Renege-man in Washington. We already have one of those in Mike DeWine. David Smith: reneging or in denial? You decide.
DISCLOSURE: Matthew Hurley, who contributed NOTHING to this report, is the blog adminstrator for Pierce for Senate. WMD has endorsed Bill Pierce for Senate.