Today, I want to talk about a very serious subject, the changed society we live in - a changed society that must still be a great society. Here in Texas, where people appreciate straight talk, this is the case I will make: the national security strategy of this administration has been a failure. There is a better way to secure America.First of all, Biden CLEARLY does not understand what the Bush Doctrine is or how it has been applied. Quite simply, the Bush Doctrine is that America will protect America first.
The famous biologist T.H. Huxley once said, "the great tragedy of science -- the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact." That "beautiful hypothesis" is the Bush Doctrine, which has governed our national security and foreign policies since 9/11.
It has three core principles. First, the best way to protect America is to strike an enemy with military force before it strikes us, while striking fear into the hearts of other potential adversaries. Second, because military might is our single most important tool, we should marginalize anything that could get in the way of using it -- like allies and international organizations. Third, democratizing the greater Middle East is the path to long term security.
There are two things Biden gets right. The first of his three principles that he thinks the Bush Doctrine is based is one of them. Preemption is not only a good idea in the post-9/11 world, it is required. Is that not the lesson we have to take from 9/11? Democrats were screaming, "Why didn't the Bush administration prevent 9/11?" Yet, now, Biden is screaming, in a sense, "Don't you dare stop another 9/11!" Biden seems to think that we would be stronger and more secure if we wait to get whacked before we take out our enemies. This very issue is why Biden and the rest of the Democrats can not be trusted with national security.
Biden's second principle is seriously flawed as well. If this were really the way the Bush Doctrine was being executed, we would already be engaged in North Korea and Iran. Did the President order these invasions without the media finding out? I sure haven't heard that American military forces are engaging every enemy. That's right...American DIPLOMATS are engaging those regimes. Each situation requires a different approach. Biden couldn't be more wrong.
The other thing Biden gets right is his third principle. Democratizing the Middle East will lead to greater security for the United States.
Something tells me that Biden will now "strengthen" his assertion on that which he is wrong and "weaken" his assertion on which he was right. The exact opposite of what America would need from its next leader.
"Ugly facts" have demolished the "beautiful hypothesis" of the Bush Doctrine, on its own terms. Here are the facts:I really don't think Iraq is a greater threat to the United States today. Iraq, as a state, is no longer being run by an anti-American maniac bent on the destruction of civilization. That in and of itself makes America safer than we were before the war.
Four years ago, this administration urged that we act against a dangerous axis of evil in Iraq, Iran, and North Korea. Today, each member of the axis poses an even greater threat to our security than it did then.
He is right about Iran and North Korea, but something tells me that Biden wouldn't have supported, or support, striking those two enemies. Diplomacy seems to have failed with those two regimes. What else is there to do? Biden sure doesn't least, he isn't including his plan in his speeches. I am left with the conclusion that he doesn't know what to do about either of these regimes.
In Iraq, a dictator is gone, and that's a good thing. But we may be on the verge of trading him for chaos and a haven for terror. Because our forces are stretched thin and tied down, our ability to act against the other axis members is limited - - and they know it. Because we hyped the intelligence before going in, our ability to convince allies - - not to mention the American people -- of new dangers has been diminished. Meanwhile, Iran is closer to the bomb and its reform movement is on the ropes. And North Korea has increased its stockpile of fissile material by as much as 400 percent.Biden would NEVER have supported taking action against either Iran or North Korea. Don't believe it for a minute. If we had attacked North Korea or Iran instead of Iraq, Biden would have moved some words around in this speech, but the message would still be the same. Biden wants to surrender. He wants America to stick its collective head in the sand and wait for the Islamofascists to come over and whack our heads off at the neck.
In his second inaugural address, the President spoke eloquently about the need to advance democracy. Today, we are paying the price for a shortsighted policy that equates democracy with elections. In the Middle East, Islamist groups have made huge strides -- Hamas in the Palestinian territories, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, religious parties in Iraq, Hezbollah in Lebanon. Holding elections without doing the hard work of building democratic institutions may leave us less, not more, secure.Democracy isn't just about elections. Bush has taken the long view of the Middle East. America herself took many years to become the democracy that we are today. How can we expect instant results from the Middle East? Biden certainly seems to think that Bush should have snapped his fingers and the Middle East should have immediately become a full fledged member of the I Love America Club. Biden doesn't have that power now matter how many times he flashes his toothy smiles while engaging in verbal masterbation.
And of course, this administration pledged to capture or kill Osama bin Laden. Today, he remains at large. He probably isn't playing an operational role, but his videotaped messages inspire others to act. In most Muslim countries, Bin Laden is viewed more favorably than the United States. Terror attacks around the world have increased dramatically since 9/11. Thank God, we have not been hit here at home. But our friends from Madrid, to London, to Amman have suffered.I suppose Biden would advocate talking bin Laden to death... Here's the thing that I don't get about the bin Laden angle: The world is a pretty big place; there are LOTS of places to hide. Recently Milosevich died, but did you know that there are STILL people from his regime that are being hunted? How many years has that been going on? Notice how Biden relies on polls to judge bin Laden as more favorable to the United States in the Muslim world? Two things about that: First, Democrats should have learned by now that polls are a horrible method to determine what is really going on in the world...they've been losing elections for how long? Second, WHO CARES whether or not Islamofascists like Osama better than the United States? I sure don't...if Biden wanted to impress me, he would have advocated attacking those countries who love Osama more than the United States. Biden doesn't seem to get that the idea behind national security is protecting America, not appeasing terrorists in order to get a bump in some dumb poll.
And to the question Secretary Rumsfeld famously posed in a memo two years ago -- "are we capturing, killing or deterring and dissuading more terrorists every day than the madrassas and radical clerics are recruiting, training, and deploying against us?" -- the answer is no.What proof does Biden have for this assertion? Is he in cahoots with the Islamofascists? How does he know this? He doesn't.
Protecting the homeland was not part of the original Bush Doctrine. But after wishing both would go away, this administration embraced the Homeland Security Department and the bi-partisan 9/11 Commission. Today, the failed response to Hurricane Katrina begs this question: if we're not prepared to handle a natural disaster that we know is on the way, how will we deal with a man-made catastrophic event that we don't see coming? And the 9/11 Commission recently issued a report card that flunked the administration for its homeland security preparations, like protecting our trains, ports, and chemical plants.No matter how many times the turth about Katrina comes out, Biden refuses to face the reality that DEMOCRATS in Louisiana failed those people. Could the federal government done more? Sure. Were there mistakes made? Sure. But who's responsibility was it? The local and state government. Had the Bush administration come in and taken over, Biden would be screaming about state's rights right now.
The 9/11 Commission was a total farce. Jamie Gorelick was on the wrong side of the table. That fact alone is more than enough for me to discount the entire process. Not to say that there weren't important things learned in the process, but their conculsions are NOT gospel.
Congress seems to have a hankering for these commissions. Congress has the right and authority to engage in oversight. Every time one of these commissions is formed, Congress gives up their responsibility. Congress is not doing its job. Republicans don't want the bad press of doing the right thing. Democrats realize the only way for their lies to get traction is to not do it in Congress. If Biden really felt that hte Bush administration has failed the American people, he would stop supporting the formation of these stupid blue ribbon committees. But he doesn't...
I believe America faces two overriding and connected national security challenges: We must win the struggle between freedom and radical fundamentalism, and we must keep the world's most dangerous weapons away from its most dangerous people.If Slow Joe were on the crew of Star Trek: The Next Generation, he'd be Counselor Troi. Not because he's easy on the eyes because he isn't; but rather, because he has this amazing ability to state the blatantly obvious. Bush is already doing these things.
As usual, this is yet another one of Biden's attempts to use the Jedi Mind Trick. No amount of waving your hands about while saying, "These are not the droids you are looking for." is going to take from the fact that Biden has no ideas. Once again, Biden proposes no action in this screed. People like Chris are fooled by these theatrics...I am not. And the bulk of the American people are not fooled either.
The better path to real security for America is a prevention plan that defuses dangers long before they are on the verge of exploding. Picture an oil field half a world away, somewhere in Central Asia. A young man works hard, but earns little. He's got a grievance with the Western oil company that employs him, but when he raises it, the security forces of his own country beat him up. The only place he feels free to speak his mind is the Mosque. There, stories of terrible things being done to Muslims in Iraq, Guantanamo, or even Denmark make him angry.This is NOT a is a Jedi Mind Trick...if you are believing that this is a plan, you have been hoodwinked by a clever politician who realizes that he has no plan but has to talk like he does.
A plan is about ACTION...not more talk.