The opposite of a resolute defense of the war and its effectiveness is the attempt by Ohio's Mike DeWine this week to demonstrate "independence" with an attack on Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld. DeWine told Salon:What conservative credentials??? I'll rally behind DeWine when DeWine represents our values... Chances of that happening? Well, let's put it this way, I'm not holding my breath."Rumsfeld has made some very serious mistakes," DeWine declared, repeating his verdict for emphasis. "Very serious mistakes. I think history will judge him very harshly."Senator DeWine writes fundraising letters that extoll his conservative credentials, and his votes to confirm Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Alito help mitigate his membership in the Gang of 14 (as will a solid performance in the collision over circuit court nominees that is brewing). These are important evidences as to why Republicans in the Buckeye State need to rally to DeWine.
But bashing Rumsfeld is a sure fire way to shatter the base that he needs.
Come on, Hugh, we all know that Bill Pierce is the better choice...
DISCLOSURE: I am blog administrator for Pierce for Senate