Friday, April 28, 2006

Tell Me Again, Hugh...

...why are we supposed to like Arlen Specter? He isn't interested in doing everything we possibly can to prevent another terrorist attack on American soil. This man should have been thrown out of Congress, but because he had seniority and "electability" (whatever that is), people like Hugh Hewitt support him. The country is taking the risk, however...

Hugh's big mantra included two statements in which Arlen Specter is not helping, "Win the war" and "Confirm the judges." At what point is enough enough? That's all I'm asking...just how big of a tent do we need that we'll support a guy who isn't interested in tapping conversations involving al Qaeda just because one end of the conversation happens to be taking place here? I think those are the calls we absolutely have to intercept so we can prevent attacks in progress from taking place at all.

I remember hearing Congress saying something about connecting dots...but Arlen Specter isn't interested in connecting dots...just headlines. He is a disgrace.