If you missed today's Bill Cunningham SHow, you missed a LOT.
Today's show opened with attorney Stan Chesley, who will be representing Jean Schmidt in a lawsuit against Bouncin' Bob McEwen in regards to Bouncin' Bob's residency and whther or not Bouncin' Bob will be legally allowed to vote in the race for which he is running. Get the audio of this segment here.
The next segment was with Tony Snow, who is being considered for White House Press Secretary. I'd love to see it, but I agree with Willie that it sounds as if Tony is leaning towards saying no. Get the audio of this segment here.
The rest of the show was devoted to Bouncin' Bob McEwen. I have all three segments for you here, here, and here. Enjoy!
I suppose that, if there is sufficient interest, I will transcribe any of these segments...but I'm not doing it unless somebody specifically asks for it...I don't really know how "explosive" this show really was, but somebody might want it and like I've said before, I aim to please......